Cane Creek
Wednesday, May 05th, 2010 | Author: admin
Cane Creek is between Gould and Star City Arkansas. It’s a 83 mile drive that took an hour and 35 minutes. I say all this because when you go to that much trouble you expect results. It gets light at 6:00 and I was out casting then. The lake has acres and acres of lily pads and looked like a perfect place to use up some Ribbits. Last year Jackson and I fished it in June which I thought was too late in the year. The first week in May should be just right or so I thought. It took an hour plus today to get a bite. I kept on fishing and the bites were few and far between. Every bite on the Ribbit came outside of the pads, usually about 5 feet out. I don’t know whether they came out of the pads or were hanging out outside the pads.The fish were not hesitant to bite because they were slamming the frog. The FOD, a 3 – 10, actually jumped out of the water and came down on the bait.. At 11:00 the wind had picked up and was blowing hard making it difficult to fish the Ribbit in the pads in the middle of the lake. It was not the waves, for the pads kept the water relatively smooth but you could not hit your target, and if you did hit it, the wind would blow a bow in your line and have your bait speeding off to the side. I retreated to the lee shore for some wind relief but there were no fish there, so back to the middle. I was ready to quit, but not wanting to accept defeat, I had on a Booyah spinnerbait and started throwing it around all the submerged stumps. A bite right off the bat may have been the “old Indian trick” but I continued to throw it and caught two more small bass eventually. Five bass for the early day was not too sporty in my opinion. I never had the motor over and idle today due to all the stumps in that lake. If you go there, it’s best to go in a shallow draft boat because of the stumps. I saw two men in a large bass boat who were idling and hitting stumps that looked like they were going to damage the boat. The water temp started at 72 and went to 77. Visibility was about 2 1/2 feet in spots. I do not think I’m going back soon.
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