Back To The Private Hole
Tuesday, February 28th, 2012 | Author: admin
Since Hal and were reliving some good old times we visited the private hole Tuesday. We fished there when we were in high school. As per usual he had all his baits tied on before we got there and he caught one on the second cast before I got the first bait tied on. He was using a KVD 1.5 squarebill crankbait and I was using a Netbait swimbait on a jighead. Things were slow for a while until we hit a spot where the fish wanted the swimbait and I caught several in succession. It was his turn to quickly change baits. We had a good pattern that was working but only a few places that it would fit. I ran out of the Netbait swimbait and tried three other kinds, only one of which was almost as good as the Netbait one. My jigheads are the problem because of the barbs they use to hold the swimbait to the jighead. The barbs tear a hole in the bait after a couple of fish. I even tried to super glue a swimbait to the head. It worked a while but finally came loose after a fish or two. Some fish were caught on a worm or a spinnerbait but the swimbait was the champ. Hal is a true conservationist. He doesn’t kill snakes and tried to discourage me from “sedating” the two bowfin (grinners) I caught. I noticed his disdain when I cracked them in the head with my cut off hoe handle. The alligators were out today in force with three showing up, two little and one big. The big one did a good job of showing itself. Our guesstimate for its length was 10 feet long. We caught 37 bass with a FOD of 4-3. In the last four days 159 bass have made into the boat that I have been fishing in, and it’s been great, but now back to reality, for only a short time I hope.
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