Hal and I went fishing at the private hole Sunday afternoon and Monday morning. It is the first time I have fished there since the River came in in January. The high water changed some things. In one cove where there used to be an old log, there are three new trees standing up in 20 feet of water. A sycamore, a pecan and an elm. They are standing up now but I expect them to fall over once the water falls.I just saw one piece of the old log that was old when I fished up there during high school. Here is a photo of the new trees.
You might notice on the end of the rod in the photo a Whopper Plopper topwater bait. More on that later. I am recovering from a back operation and this was a big treat for me. Since I’m not supposed to lift over 10 pounds, Hal had to do all the carrying. We started out not knowing what the game was so I put on an old standby a DT-6. Hal had on a swim fluke jr. The private hole is loaded with small bass that loved the fluke. They would hit the DT-6 but I didn’t catch a one on it because they were too small to get it in their mouths. As we came to the south end of the hole we saw some nervous shad out in the middle. I threw the DT-6 and Hal threw a Whopper Plopper into them. One came up and blasted the WP but nothing hit the DT-6. Here is the one that hit the WP.
We could get no other volunteers. We were close to a shallow flat and since the recent luck with the WP I pulled mine out. We caught a few there but most were small. Hal had a small bass on next to the boat and a three pounder came up and tried to eat it. I put my bait in the water but the bass would not hit it. We went to another shallow area and the WP was the bait to use. The strikes from the larger bass were violent, real KAWhooshes, as Jackson would say. Sunday afternoon we caught 58 with a 3 1/2 and a 3 1/4 a few other decent fish and a bunch of little ones. On Monday morning we started off with the WP since all of the big ones had been caught on it the day before. Again it caught the bigger fish although it would also catch a fish 1 1/2 times its length. We caught 45 Monday with two fish at 3 pounds even. A great two fishing trips, a lot of little ones, and never a dull moment