Ferguson 14.7
Tuesday, September 21st, 2021 | Author: admin
Went this morning and there were a line of hydroblasters at the wharf getting ready for practice for a Fishers of Men tournament this weekend. A tournament with 36 boats on Ferguson with the lake at such a low level is a terrible idea for the fishing. I called the head of the organization to protest. The tournament had to be moved from the Atchafalaya because of the hurricane. He said “but we release them all”. I argued nicely that that moved the fish from wherever they were caught to one spot where they released them. When I didn’t relent in my argument, he hung up on me, and it’s supposedly a religious organization. I started a little before 8 and quit when I heard the first thunder around 10:30. The magic lucky school was not present today in numbers. I caught 2. There was a boat sitting dead on the spot where I caught two 4’s yesterday. I drove up and fished on either side of them and didn’t say a word to them, close enough that it would have made me mad. I was hoping something would be said. Then it thundered and I left.
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