Almost a Month
Monday, May 02nd, 2011 | Author: admin
It’s been almost a month since I fished last. The last day was April 9th. Turkey season and dealing with the flood have taken precedent.
And what a flood it is ! This is a photo of the river in front of the house at Catfish taken a few days ago. The water level by now will be up to the bottom edge of the picture. I had to do something to take my mind off of the water getting 5 feet into the bottom of the house so I took some fishing therapy. Mickey and I went to Lake Jackson to try to ease my mind. Lake Jackson is divided into two parts. The North end has a lot of coontail moss and the South end has grass carp to control it. We started in the North end thinking Ribbit frog. We caught two there and had this guy bail off of his perch and try to eat my Ribbit.
The moss was so bad we had to leave for the South end. Upon arriving there, the Booyah spinnerbait came out and caught one pretty quickly. We had a couple to miss the Booyah so Mickey pulled out a Paca-Craw and started to catch some. I rattled around in my tackle bag and came up with one but Mickey had the technique down pat. Hit the tree and let it slide down. The FOD at 4 – 11 was caught that way.
When that one came to the top it looked a lot larger that it was and that caused a lot of quick activity in the boat as he tried to keep the fish on and I dove for the landing net. Late in the afternoon the fish got close to the bank and would bite the Booyah again. We ended up with 14 and had a great time.