Stuck ! !
Saturday, July 30th, 2011 | Author: admin
Mickey and I were going to the “private hole” relatively early this morning.  When we hit the first dirt road everything was fine regardless of the rain last night because the road was sandy and not slick. We made the turn going to the hole and things took a turn for the worse as the road turned to silty clay and was as slick as it could be. We started off to one side but with corrective steering made it back up to the center of the road but then slid off the other side into a low spot where we nestled into the mud. The rut were not deep but the mud was so slick we had no chance to get out. We assessed the situation, considered our options and then went fishing. We carried the battery a few hundred yards, put it in the boat, trolling motored the boat around to our fishing stuff and then went fishing. Mickey worked his magic with his crazy shad and caught a couple on top. He was setting a good example so I dug out my spook jr in the clown color, that is gold body and shiny red head, and caught a couple myself. The bass were not hitting the topwaters like they meant it and finally quit hitting at all so we quit the topwaters. In the meantime we had called for help. It was arranged that help would come to pull us out at 10:30 so we fished on. Around 9:30 we noticed a pickup in activity. I was using a trusty “found” bait which was a proxy for a DT-6 . It had a crack in the side and was slowly taking on water until it would not run straight. The bait is partially clear so you can see the water in the body of the bait. It went back into the box and was replaced with DT-6. Of course as the bite crescendo was reaching its peak we had to leave to pull out the truck. That’s the way it seems to work. When the truck was extricated from the mud, we returned to the fishing where we continued to catch fish, basically with the same baits with the addition of a Yozuri. We caught some more including Mickey catching the FOD of 4-3 by hooking it in the tail. He said ” Anybody can catch a 4 pounder in the mouth but it takes a real pro to catch one in the tail. We ended up with 21 and even stuck and muddy we had a great time.