
Lake Ferguson

Wednesday, August 31st, 2011 | Author:

This afternoon Mickey and I met at the wharf at 3:00 and set sail onto Ferguson with it standing at 23.7 feet.  We started at the rockpile and on one of the first few casts I came back with a 4 – 2 on a Poe’s crankbait. Fish were breaking all around but there were no more in the size range of the first one. There were stripes in the middle of the lake and black bass all around the sides.  We caught some of the schooling bass that were up to 2 1/2 pounds but generally the schooling fish were frustrating. Here one minute and gone the next.  A Yozuri did pretty well with the schoolers.  When we went to our other spot, the bass  were clowning down there too. We chased fish all afternoon catching them on Yozuris, DT – 6s, DT – 10s, and even topwaters. Mickey caught two at one time on a crazy shad.  After he got them in the boat, the back hook of his bait came off. It was a bait that he had  purchased in the 70s.

We went back and forth on the same stretch for most of the rest of the afternoon. You never could figure when you were going to catch one because they  were all over the map.  Some shallow and some deep. When they would chase shad in the shallow water, I would ease the boat closer and get Mickey to throw the crazy shad. I just enjoyed watching him work his magic with it.  We ended up with 52 bass and a few stripes. Some of the stripes were giants and the rest were babies. There were none in the middle. It’s going on in Lake Ferguson.

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