
Action at the Private Hole

Saturday, October 15th, 2011 | Author:

This morning when going to the private hole, I discovered that a friend was hunting nearby. Even though the road was open, I knew the oak tree he was hunting was right on the road, I decided to wait until he left his stand. In the interim, I was able to fix a few things that were waiting on repair.  The hunter came in at 8:15 which was great for me and I was fishing by 8:45. The water level in the private hole has dropped a foot since I was there last on October 2nd.  I had buzz bait in mind when I started, and was casting parallel to the bank since I was fishing alone. After a few casts one hit it hard right at the boat. Scared the dickens out of me. When that happened, I thought I was right about the buzz bait, but after five more halfhearted bites, I gave up on it. Switching to a Yozuri, I caught a few in one of my good places and had one get off by wrapping a stick. The Yozuri gave out, so I put on a worm and caught a couple more but there was noncooperation.  As I have said before about this hole, the wind has a lot to do with where the fish are. The wind has been blowing from the North for a few days so the fish were stacked like chord wood in one place.  The crawfish colored DT-6 was brought out because these fish were a little deeper. For a good while it was catch one every cast. The fish were of good size too, with most being between 2 and 3 pounds. I caught 22 there on the first seating, after catching 7 in the first spot. Looking for another good place I moved and caught a few more but I had to come back to the good place. Sure enough they were back and the catching continued. In my looking I did catch the 4-0 FOD on a Yozuri on a flat with only 2 feet of water. A gar snipped my crawfish DT-6 so I had to change to a parrot pattern but it caught them too. The trip ended at 2:45 with 49 bass with 5 over 3 pounds and most under 3 were between 2 and 3.

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