
On A Break

Monday, March 19th, 2012 | Author:

I took a break from turkey hunting Saturday afternoon to go to the private hole.  The wind was much too high to turkey hunt and I didn’t want to waste such a beautiful afternoon. At 1:30 I made the first cast using a small swimbait on a jighead. The trees were dropping both sycamore seeds and the tassels oak trees distribute their pollen with. All of this blew over to one side of the hole and prevented me from using the swimbait effectively so I put on a Rex spoon. On about the fourth cast one blasted the spoon. There is no way to adequately describe the strike other than a blast.  Surprisingly, I hesitated before setting the hook and when I did the fish came out of the water two feet in an astounding jump. Two more good jumps and I had the 4-8 FOD by the bottom jaw. Most of the fish Saturday put on an aerial display for some reason.  One of the better ones a little later slung the spoon up in the air and escaped. All I could do was laugh.  After I ran out of the flotsam, I had to change baits. The fish were not in the same two places they have been hanging out.  I put on a spinnerbait to search and after missing one on it, threw in a worm. One bit and was caught, and another and another until I caught 6 in this nondescript spot, some as deep as 10 feet. When I arrived, you could tell the bite was really on and during the afternoon it slackened pretty quickly until the worm was the bait to use. It’s funny how your mind takes pictures. I can still see the 4 pounder that threw the spoon back. It was a fun afternoon that ended up with 16 bass a goo and of course a grinner. Another thing of interest I saw was two large turtles with shells 1 1/2 to 2 feet in diameter close to one another up against the bank.  I suspect there was mating activity going on.

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