
Lake Ferguson 23.1 and Falling

Sunday, April 29th, 2012 | Author:

Yesterday morning Mickey went to Ferguson and caught 31, 30 of which were caught on a topwater. You know if it was Mickey then it had to be a crazy shad. He caught a 4.98 as the FOD. He also got two fingers pinned together by a hook that a gar shook into his hand.  Managing to get the gar off, he then pushed the hook points through and clipped them off and kept on fishing. Ouch !! We got together after church today and went for a rematch. Spinnerbaits got the starting call and we caught a few but they were small. Several places were tried with not much success but the major feeding period has been early in the morning and late in the evening and we were fishing in the middle of the afternoon.  The water was close to the level we caught them on the 87 pound treeline so we tried there.  At first the fish were nipping at the bait but as we progressed along the treeline the fish got more serious about eating and the fish got bigger. This is the almost FOD @ 4 3/4.

The treeline played out so we went back to the starting place and went back the other way.  The fish were still biting but another boat that had been in the woods and came out to the outside and was in front of us. Rather than fishing second hand water, we left for where Mickey caught them on top yesterday. It was getting late and the lake was calming down so the topwaters got the call. I got a great demonstration from the master plying his trade with the crazy shad. One fish, a 4.82 FOD came up and sucked the bait down and the fight was on. I netted the fish for Mickey and as he reached down to get the fish out the fish shook and he was hooked again.  I quickly put a full Nelson on the fish to stop any movement and Mickey reached for pliers to remove the hook from his hand. The hook did not come out easily but he worked with it and finally it was out. He continued fishing and caught a couple more before it was too dark to see.  We caught 42 in all with two in the 4 3/4 range and one at 4 even. The largest 5 weighed 20 pounds.

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