Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum
Monday, April 30th, 2012 | Author: admin
This has nothing to do with fishing but was fun. I went down to pick up some white doves the other day from a bird lady in Jackson. Flying loose in her house were 4 parrots. One named Rookie was quite friendly. He came and lit on the nearest perch and looked at me intently. The lady told me that he wanted to come to me and for me to stick out my hand. I did and he/she /it came aboard.
The bird kept staring at me and the lady said it wanted to hold the bill of my hat with it’s beak, which was fine with me. Up my arm it walked until it got to my shoulder. It never seized my hat and seemed quite friendly. I had noticed the parrots were not housebroken and my fear during the whole episode was that I might become a poop recipient. The whole thing ended nicely and was great fun.