
Year End

Monday, December 31st, 2012 | Author:

My fishing in 2012 was affected by a wedding and low water. I only fished 48 times, the lowest total since I retired.  The pattern of the location of my fishing trips changed drastically too.  Some of the main lakes from the past years were visited only once or twice. Monticello and Wolf Lake fell off the map almost. Monticello dealt the only zero. I fished the “Private hole” 18 times, almost half the trips and over half the fish came from there. Lake Ferguson yielded fewer fish than usual probably due to the low water and due to my daughter’s wedding June 2nd , before which the lake was yielding a lot of fish. Lake Lee yielded the FOYear, a 6 – 0, caught June 20th. My average per trip was 14 1/4 fish compared to over 18  last year. The trips to catch a fish over 4 was 1.71 as compared to 2.16 last year, better this year. Last year in the wrap up as I looked forward to the new year,  I said I wanted to learn to fish with 1. a drop shot  2. a suspended jerk bait 3. a Carolina rig and 4. an Alabama rig. I half way succeeded as I did catch fish on the Carolina rig and a suspending jerk bait. I did not even break out the Alabama rig or a drop shot. That leaves me a couple to master for 2013.

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