An Inauspicious Start
Thursday, February 07th, 2013 | Author: admin
Today Jackson and I went to the private hole under the threat of rain. We started with crankbaits, he with a Lucky Craft and I with a DT-6. Shortly, Jackson had the first of the day, a good, healthy, and pretty private hole bass.
You can see his Lucky Craft bait pretty clearly in the photo. Next he proceeded to catch the FOD, a nice 5 – 3 that we did not take a photo of because it was hooked deep and it took a long time to unhook. We wanted to return it to the water quickly. Things were looking pretty good when he made a cast and twitched the bait on top and one smacked it . I finally caught one on a Booyah and then it started to rain. We left the boat to sit in the truck and I finally figured when we were sitting in the truck we could be driving back to the cabin to get me some rain gear. Jackson had his. When we returned the rain had almost ceased and shortly we were able to fish again. Things had slowed down. I pulled out my shaky head and caught one and another on a Barry Provis special,a jighead with a swimbait tail and a wire coming out the bottom of the jighead with two willow leaf spinner blades on it. Jackson also added to the count but times were tough. This year I wanted to try to learn how to use a dropshot so I put one on and fished halfway around with it and did not even get a bite. We ended up with 7 when we quit at 3 p.m. The first two times at the private hole this year have produced 12 bass total. Last year the first four times 20, 16, 26, and 28 were caught. Kind of a rough start.