

Sunday, March 10th, 2013 | Author:

Mickey and I went to Meridian to fish in his brother Greg’s lake Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday morning. Greg has been managing his fish with the objective of having a big bass lake. He takes out every bass he catches that is under 15 inches long. There are also 4 feeders placed around the 15 acre  lake and go off every 2 1/2 hours at 5 minute intervals. The lake is 13 years old and has bass, bream, threadfin shad and fathead minnows in it. Southern Pond Management has been his consultant. Whatever he’s doing is working as we caught 37 bass of which we kept 23 “culls”. Mickey and I caught a 4-6, 4-8, 4-0 and a 5-6 and had a bass in the 6 pound class ready for the net when the hook came out right beside the boat. Couldn’t count that one. Greg, on the other hand gave us a seminar, catching several in the 4 to 5 pound range and topped it off with the  7-14 pictured here. He also caught a 9+ a week or so ago.

As usual Mickey with a 5 pounder

Even I got in on the act

Most of the fish were caught on worms, although some were caught on Yozuris and even some on a DT – 10 and a crazy shad.  Some were caught shallow Sunday just before noon but that morning I caught one right under the  boat with the depthfinder reading 15 feet. Speaking of depthfinder, I saved some screen shots that were interesting. The first is a side scan shot showing two groups of shad ( center and upper left) with a few fish hanging around. The fish show up as elongated due to the slow speed of the boat, as you can see was 1 MPH. The second is a down image shot that shows just a swarm of shad with three fish hanging close by and an old log on the bottom in 13.6 feet of water.

The next one is a down image showing another shad swarm with 6 bass chaperones in 13.5 feet of water.

Needless to say all the bass we caught were well fed, fat and healthy. With this much food available I don’t know why in the world they bit an artificial bait. We had a great time.

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