
Shad Spawn

Wednesday, May 08th, 2013 | Author:

This morning as I drove to the ramp on Lake Chicot, I noticed the egrets posted every 40 yards or so along the bank. Looking further, I noticed movement in the water of small bait fish along bank.  After Jackson and I launched, we saw what was going on. The shad were spawning, laying eggs on the rocks, the seawalls and anything else in the shallower water. The birds were feeding on them but we saw no bass crashing into them. Of course we had to try but to no avail. We left the spot where we heard the bass were concentrated and went to the end where the lily pads are. The gar were in there spawning and the water was not very clear. Jackson only caught one bass there on a frog. One guy had some limb lines tied out and almost each one had a small catfish on it. We left and went to a bank where in the past we’ve done well. There we only caught one. That fish was relatively small but showed us what was happening. The fish was a little football, so full of shad I don’t know why it hit my Booyah. The bass must have fed all night and were gorged with 2 inch shad. They were full and wanted no more.  We did see some schooling in one place and they would not hit a Yozuri or other normal schooling fish baits. Finally we enticed them to bite a Johnson’s Sprite for a few minutes and then they quit completely. Even the stripes and the two gaspergous we caught had bulging stomachs . Five bass were all we caught . While turkey hunting I thought a lot about fishing but I planned on catching more than five.

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