
A report on Enid

Tuesday, November 04th, 2008 | Author:

I received a report on Hal and Richard’s trip to Enid today. They caught 25 with a 6, a 5 and 2 @ 3. Hal did not have 9 rods but gave a good accounting for himself, catching all the big fish mentioned above, and 16 of the total.  I know what happened.  He stealthly approached the brushtop and launched his first cast at ICBM range.  Hal is most accurate at that distance too, and we know the rest of the story. Enid is hot right now. If you go be sure to take your boat registration.  Hal had renewed but left the new card at home, had the  expired card in the boat. The officer was nice and believed Hal when he told him he left it at home. When the officer checked Hal the next day  he did not ask for it and good thing because it was still at home. I bet it’s in the boat now.

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