Thursday, September 05th, 2013 | Author: admin
Richard invited me to Beaverdam,of Nash Buckingham fame, today to fish. I met him there at 6:30. Beaverdam is a cypress lake with mostly shallow water, meaning you can stick your rod down and hit the bottom almost anywhere. We started with paddle tail worms marketed through Basspro. They have a great buzz or thump when you give them a little pull. We were dippin’ and dunkin’ mostly at close range. We caught some early but after about 10 things seemed to shut down somewhat. We ended up with 10 bass and two Catfish. The FOD sat and chewed on the bait before finally blasting off after it felt the hook and it was finally realized that there was indeed a fish chewing on the bait. 4 – 13. Richard was a little disappointed with 10 because they have been catching in the mid 20’s. I was happy for us to be in the double digits for a change of pace for me.