
Bank Bass

Saturday, June 21st, 2014 | Author:

I was at the private hole this morning at 5:30 because I knew there was cleaning to be done to the boat before there would be any fishing. The water has risen and was 2 or 3 inches deep in the back of the boat because I always leave the plug out so any rain will drain. I brought a broom to sweep up the leaves. After all that was done, I launched and was sitting preparing my equipment when I heard a strike around the point from where I was sitting.  A buzz bait immediately was put on and about the third cast after I rounded the point did the trick. Here is a photo.

The buzz worked so well I left it on and continued around the hole. The water being a few inches higher was back in the grass a little and there was a good crop of small bream trying to hide in it. The bass were working them over. The action was good until the sun got brighter but the fish even then were not far off of the bank. A DT-6 was just what they wanted. None of the fish were over 2 1/2 pounds but, not having been fishing in a while, I was glad to see each one of them. Getting your line stretched with regularity is fun. The water had even come up enough for me to be able to get in the South hole. It was difficult to fish due to the cottonwood cotton on the water. The game as the same there with the fish relating to the bank trying to eat the bream.  It began to be evident that the bite was beginning to slow. Things like bumps and when I did catch one it would be on only one rear hook. It was time to change tactics so out came a shaky head with a trick worm. The would bite but very lightly. I caught a few but it was slow fishing and bites became hard to come by. I quit at 11:45 with 23 bass.

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