Wolf Lake Fiasco
Wednesday, July 30th, 2014 | Author: admin
It has been three years since I last fished in Wolf Lake. The last trip was in 2011 with perfect conditions. The fish did not get the memo however. On that trip there were baby gar everywhere and only a few bass. After a three year hiatus I thought the lake would have repaired itself. Unfortunately the only thing that happened was the gar have grown, perhaps fed by the addition by the State MDWFP of a good number of fingerling bass a year or so ago. I MAY have had two bites from bass this morning in the three hours I fished. Â The only thing I caught was a heavy metal chair that had blown off of a dock into 9 feet of water. My DT-6 snagged the cushion that was attached. My lure retriever straightened the hooks but would not pull the lure loose. After the line snapped, as I was drifting the chains on the retriever became tangled in the expanded metal chair seat and allowed me to pull the chair to the top. I then used my knife to free the bait that was stuck in the cushion. The very next cast with a DT-10 I became hung on another immovable object. After the retriever freed the DT-10, I immediately fled for the landing with tail between my legs. I believe another hiatus is in order for Wolf Lake.