Lake Ferguson
Wednesday, August 06th, 2014 | Author: admin
This afternoon Willie and I went to Ferguson with the purpose of catching an ice chest full of striped bass. The word was out that they were out in force. We headed to the chute but after an hour or two we had only caught one. There were some that followed the bait right up to the boat but would not hit. We saw none hit on top like they usually do. A large mouth cooperated and a gar but no stripes. Usually things are the other way around. Willie was delighted with the gar and the one stripe made enough for a mess. The heat was so oppressive  we started home early. On the way, there were two places I wanted to try but there were boats on both. I stopped close to one to try another spot and watched the guy catch two small bass. He tried to be nonchalant and bring the fish over to the side of his boat that was away from us so we would not notice him catching a fish. Sneaky so and so!