Ferguson 20.5 Feet
Thursday, August 07th, 2014 | Author: admin
Mickey and I planned to go to Ferguson this afternoon after 5 p.m. but I arrived early, launched the boat, and went looking with the sidefinder. One of the things I discovered was this sunken barge.
If you click to enlarge the photo you can see the fish and the shadows they make. Continuing in the same area I located  an underwater point that I knew was somewhere in the area but not exactly where. When I take a screenshot it also marks a waypoint on the map.
Again you can see a few fish. When I turned around to make another pass I passed over the next place that was full of fish. Some of the larger ones were carp but there are many smaller ones of unknown species. The shad are plentiful too.
When I picked up Mickey we went to the 70 spot. We started far from the bank with the boat in 16 feet of water. A 5-XD was my weapon of choice and it struck quickly. Since we couldn’t catch any  others there we went to the Watzek bank and continued with the deep diver until a large gar relieved me of it. Starting on the way back we made a fortuitous stop where we caught 8 or 9 fish on worms fairly quickly. When that  spot was worn out we stopped at a similar one where Mickey caught the FOD, a 4 – 11.
When we could not get another bite there we headed to our last stop, the place I saw the so and so catch two fish yesterday. Instead of catching two, I got hung up two times, the first came free as I was getting out the “gitter” that I use to unhang baits that are hung up deep. The second required the “gitter” to get it free. Scared to make another cast we headed to the ramp. We caught 11 bass and all looked healthy except one. That one was not in terrible shape but was just not fat like the others.