

Thursday, January 29th, 2015 | Author:

Jackson and I went to Lake Monticello this morning about 9 o’clock to see if we could get in on some early action since it has been warm for a few days. We had a plan to repeat our March trip of last year when we caught a good many and 3 over 5 pounds. The water temperature was 48 when we started. We went into the end of one of the lake’s fingers that the wind was blowing into. The idea was to go into the very end where the warm water from the top was being blown into the end and creating a warm spot in the shallows. The water in the end was 51 degrees just as we suspected. It didn’t take too long before we got the skunk off with a 2 1/2. The wind was howling so we had to tie up to a snag to be able to fish at all. We left there and went to another finger of the lake that had a little protection from the wind. Fishing was fine but catching was slow. When we went to the end of that finger the water warmed again, this time up to 55. We caught one in almost the same spot we caught a 7 1/2 last year, in a little more than a foot of water. After running out of fishing room, the first place was the spot we visited for the second time. The wind had slowed down and we were able to fish there unaffected by the wind.  It got a pretty good going over but only one came to the boat although we had one good boil and one on that broke the spinner bait at the neck after jumping to let us see it. A 1/4 ounce Booyah spinner bait did all the catching. The FOD was 3 – 5. Last year the water temperatures were 52 to 61. We were about a month or so too early. but after any prolonged warm spell I’ll be back.

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