Shad Spawn
Sunday, May 03rd, 2015 | Author: admin
After reading all about the shad spawn, Jackson and I tried to catch it on Lake Monticello. It happens on the first full moon in May. I got in on the end of it once on Monticello and it was wild. The bass were hitting at everything but missing most things because I arrived late at the lake just as it was ending. It starts right at daylight and ends when the sun comes up. We saw some shad spawning at Lake Chicot on Friday so we thought is was beginning. We arrived early, primed for action. There was no shad spawn. The best laid plans of mice and men go awry.  There was a minor period just after daylight. We caught a few and had some bites, all on frogs, but we tried a lot of other baits. After an hour or so the bite tailed off to that Florida bass sulk of nothing. We saw many swarms of fry, most with a male bass protecting  them. We were able to catch only one of the protectors. It was maddening as the male protectors would be hitting the bream or anything else bothering the fry but would totally ignore our offerings. They would hit 4 or 5 times with us dropping our bait on their heads but getting ignored completely. We ended up with 4 with the FOD at 3 1/2.