
Lake Enterprise Revisited

Friday, June 05th, 2015 | Author:

Jackson had me over for another shot at Enterprise. He has been catching some fish in about three spots that have no apparent reason for the fish to be there. As you fish them, the reason becomes apparent. There are snags under the water that you can’t see but the bass like to use for cover. They also increase the chances of your getting hung and exacerbating the problem are trotlines that were tied to many of them when the lake was low. I had a DT-6 stuck on one that would still be there except for the heroic efforts of Jackson and his “gitter”. Shortly after retrieving  it, the bait found another one that defied rescue and still resides there. Jackson had been catching fish of good size but most of the ones we caught were on the small side. They were in his spots but something seemed to have changed and,  by chance, we found out the possible reason. We came upon the head of fisheries in the Southeast Region of Arkansas who told us there was a leak in the water control structure. To overcome the leak they were pumping water into the lake from Bayou Bartholomew and raising the water level in the lake. That got the blame for the lull in the fishing. When we asked her about Lake Monticello, she confirmed that the fish numbers were down there. As is usual the blame could not be placed on any one factor. I don’t think I will be going back there for quite some time. In Enterprise, we caught 10 fish on a variety of baits including, a 3/4 oz. Redeye Shad, a Yozuri, and an Xrap XRD 8. The FOD was around 2 1/2 pounds. The river is forecast to start falling about Wednesday. I believe there is going to be good fishing in the river lakes.

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