
Bitin’ Spot Number 1

Thursday, August 06th, 2015 | Author:

One day in the early 1960’s my Daddy and I were trolling in Lake Ferguson with 500 Bombers. I had a fiberglass rod with 4 inches broken off and the tip replaced and a 304 Mitchell spinning reel spooled with 8 pound Stren. As we trolled along some bass started to hit some shad within a cast of the boat. We stopped and started to cast and the bass cooperated to the extent that they would bite, almost snatching the rod out of our hands but then they would jump and otherwise get off. I think I caught maybe 3 out of 14 or so bites. It was absolutely maddening but if the bass were not hooked I was. Too bad the hooks were not as good then as they are now. We returned to that spot many times and it became one of our main places that my Daddy named “Bitin’ spot number 1”. I went there this afternoon after I had stopped in the first spot and caught 16 bass, a stripe and a goo mostly on a DT-6.  Some small ironwood bushes have grown up on the spot but were underwater. I knew this so I put on one of my “found” deep crank baits. On the first cast one bit, and wouldn’t you know, it jumped and threw the hook. The fish must have been an offspring of one of those 60’s fish. Then I caught three more before I gave the found bait back to one of the ironwood bushes. I tried to save it with my “gitter” but the line was hooked on one bush and the bait was on another. After I left, I rode to the upper lake where I investigated a spot that I knew was going to be good just as the water started to fall. I got a good look at it because it was high and dry. On the way back I hit both spots that produced and had no luck. Most of the fish I caught were between 3 3/4 and 2 1/2 pounds. I weighed all that I thought were over 3 pounds and the largest 5 weighed 17 pounds. Not too shabby for someone who has not fished in a good while.

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