
Lake Whittington

Saturday, August 20th, 2016 | Author:

Even with the water rising, the stench of dead carp all over the lake and not having been on the lake for quite some time, I insisted that Mickey and I go there instead of a nice landlocked chute close by. I was convinced that Lake Whittington was on the comeback just like Ferguson. The lake looked good where we started but everywhere you threw there was a gar. The high point of the day was when we found a small rivulet running over a dam. There was a small alligator on post waiting for a meal. We caught one fish on the other side on a worm but the splashing just aroused the gators interest. When Mickey’s spinner bait came by he struck at it just as a bass would. The second time it came by the gator struck at it and had it in its mouth. It was one of those “Uh Oh, now what do we do ” moments. Luckily the bait came loose and all was well. The gator learned its lesson and never hit at the bait again. We only caught two bass. I felt pretty bad about wasting a good day by being hard headed, that could have been good fishing. At least we didn’t get rained on.

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