
One Out of Two

Friday, September 23rd, 2016 | Author:

On Thursday morning I had two different ideas on things to try in Lake Ferguson, not having been on the lake in quite some time. My father and I used to fly fish around the Yacht Club early in the morning for bream. The fish would bite very early and usually quit around 8:00 as the sun got brighter. This was my first idea and it did not work. Not a bite on the fly. Not wanting to admit defeat, I quickly went across the lake to some willow trees and tried again. No bites until finally one timid fish came up and gently sucked at the fly. On the second cast it bit twice and got hooked. After that no more could be coaxed into volunteering so I left for plan number two. This one involving bass. I like a smooth sandy stretch of bank and have had pretty good luck in places like that. My second plan involved the west side of the upper lake that is just one big sandy bank that has a very slow drop. A Whopper Plopper (WP) top water would be perfect for a spot like that I thought. The WP is a bait that you just reel. No need to twitch or anything else to impart any action to the bait. Pretty soon I had a halfhearted strike and soon after that two more that ended up with fish in the boat. A pretty good time after that another one scarfed it down just as I said to myself “if one does not bite before I get to that next bush I’m going to move”. I moved across the lake to the steep bank that was still in the shade and right away I caught the 3 1/4 FOD. It was beginners luck because no more bites in a quarter mile of bank. Since the sun had risen and was beginning to get hot I changed to a 5XD and caught another. I then moved to the steep bank of the main lake with the deep diver and caught two more albeit small. I tried two more smooth sandy spots on the way back to the ramp and caught another, still small. A total of nine bass for the day.

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