February is coming soon
Tuesday, January 27th, 2009 | Author: admin
I hope some better fishing weather is coming with it. The weather only lets you fish a few days this time of year and the good ones have all been occupied with other things to do. One of the best strings of bass I ever was in on was caught in February in upper Lake Ferguson in the early 70’s. It was on a windy day (SW) where you had to go with the wind. Hal and I caught 27 bass that weighed 87 pounds, on cordell hot spots. Here is the picture from the Delta Democrat Times. Once again before the days of catch and release. That day gave the name to the 87 pound treeline. The lake was high and falling fast which had the fish on the outside edge of the trees. The next day the cold front had come through and our two boats only caught 4 or 5.