

Saturday, January 31st, 2009 | Author:

There was a thin skim of ice on Lake Whittington this morning when I went to the Garhole. The water temp there was a balmy 47 to start and rose to 51 before the day was over. The water was so clear that you could stick a 7 foot rod in the water up to the handle and still see a white spot that is your bait. The first fish was a 2 lb 4 oz crappie caught on a DTF-3 out in the middle pulled slow and paused now and then. A carp also came too close and the Rapala hooks snagged him too. Three bass were caught none of any size. They bit a DTF-7. Had a couple more bites but they are sluggish.  Since the landing was too muddy for me to launch my boat, I liberated a boat from the woods (from the flood last spring) , installed a Walmart plastic chair for a seat and cast off. It did pretty well, didn’t leak much, but went sideways.

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