Monticello Fo’ Day
Tuesday, May 02nd, 2017 | Author: admin
It was still dark when I got there and was just right when I started fishing. I didn’t start where I caught  the large fish last time but in a very similar place. The fish were not in a similar mood however and were not where I had anticipated. Since they were not in the lily pads, I tried just out from them in the sticks. I caught a couple and got some bites on the swimbait but the fish were small. Some other water in the 4 to 8 foot range has been good in the past for me and sure enough there were a few fish to be had there. The lake was slick and beautiful so every now and then I had to break out the Ribbit for a few casts in the good looking spots but no takers. The flats with 4 to 8 foot water and some wood were where the fish were but all were small. To start off the weather was clear but soon the clouds came in and then a light sprinkle of rain. Later in the afternoon the sun came back out and I was forced to take off the rain gear and put on the sun protection. When the sun came out it was over, no more bites even in a couple of good places. I had two things happen today that have never happened to me on Monticello. The first was I heard a turkey gobble. You would think on a lake surrounded by woods you would have heard a lot of turkeys gobble but today was the first. Gobbled probably 70 times. The second thing was I had a fish pull my swimbait off of a hangup. I had quit trying to get it loose and all of a sudden it ran away because a fish had it. I tried to set the hook but cane up with nothing. The total for the day was 14 bass and a stripe most caught on a swimbait but 2 on a DT-4 and one on a Ribbit. I don’t know where in the world the big fish are over there.