
Lake Enterprise 72

Friday, May 19th, 2017 | Author:

I arrived at Enterprise at 5:45 Thursday morning with the intention of catching up on my Ribbit fishing. The Ribbit fishing, or rather catching, has been elusive for me lately and I dearly love it. The fish were not in a cooperative mood as there was only one serious bite early and a frog malfunction (wadded up) let about a 3 pounder escape. A deep water spot with stumps underwater yielded a couple of fish and another deep water place yielded another, all on a DT-6. In that spot the wind had swirled the duckweed into a solid mass out in the center of the lake and there was activity in it, as Hal calls it, nervous water. Missed another on a Ribbit and then one jumped all the way out of the water and came down on top of the bait. Caught that one. I kept on fooling around fishing here and there and figured out a slight pattern of fishing the first outside trees with shade with a DT-6.  That fizzled out and called for a change which came when the DT-6 got hung, I think on some rope, and then broke off when I tried to get it off with my “gitter”. The wind was howling straight down the lake and blew the boat into an underwater trot line where a hook snagged on the trolling motor. At this point I had caught 15 fish. I was a little mad and discombobulated. A DT-10 was on another rod so I just picked it up and made a cast toward the center of the lake, and surprisingly caught a fish. Another cast, another fish.  It was one on every cast for quite a while. Finally the trot line and the boat separated ways so I went out toward where the fish were and tied to a tree because of the wind. When the boat floated over the school I looked at the depth finder and it was covered with fish from 5 to 10 feet deep. The count went up to 54 and the bite slackened I thought, but in reality the school had just moved.  I searched down that stretch of bank for another school but found none, so I returned to the good spot and tied up. It was on again, this time with a DT-6. Finally, with the count up to 72 at 3:30 with two doubles for the day, they moved again and I could not locate them . All of the fish in the school were small, the largest was about a pound and a half, but I’m a sucker and will keep catching them when they are biting like that. Earlier I did catch the FOD at 4 and a couple of 3’s. Today was a good lesson in that when things are going to hell, success can be right around the corner if you just keep trying.

IMG_20170518_121728549 This is one that looks as if it rubbed up against a poison ivy vine.


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