
Back in Business in the Private Hole

Friday, July 07th, 2017 | Author:

Since the high water this spring my boat has been sitting under the house on the trailer. The day before yesterday I put the rack and winch in the boat, waxed up the runners with paraffin, hauled it to the hole and got it all set up. I would have gone fishing yesterday but the radar was showing rain. The rain fooled me and evaporated before it arrived. Today fishing started at 7:00 and I caught a tight eye on the first cast with a Whopper Plopper. Catching one on the first cast unnerved me a little. It’s usually a bad sign. Since it worked so well I continued with it. The fish were around sticks or logs in deep water just like you would expect them to be. They were willing to hit on top, and how. When going from one spot to another I threw a DT-6 sometimes out into the middle in the deep water and managed to catch a couple more tight eyes. The fish were mostly in the 2 pound range. The good top water spots ran out so I went prospecting and that is when it became strange. Nothing came from around the cover as I expected but when I threw out into the open one would hit it with gusto. There was a spot that Hal and I had some luck when the water was high last year. I remember seeing a bass just cruising there and it crushed the top water when I presented it. It didn’t take long to catch a couple there right out in the open with the WP. The third one caught there was a 4 1/4 FOD that just blasted the bait. It was one of three memorable bites today that made me laugh as I marveled at just how aggressive a bass can be. Another happened when I made a bad cast to the wrong side of a log. When the bait hit I snatched it to the other side to  keep from getting hung. As I snatched it a bass jumped into the air and came down onto the bait. I had slack in my line and the fish immediately jumped and shook the hook. I just had to laugh. Another one was later in the day. When the bait was coming out of the shade, I hurried to reel in to make another cast and as the bait was 3/4 way to the boat a fish caught it in a blast.  The reel is a 7.6 to 1 ratio but that just shows you that if the fish really wants it you can’t reel fast enough to get it away from it. I ended up with 16 bass and had a fun day catching them but the day was not over. When I put the boat in, I saw some bream around the landing in the clear water (3 to 4 foot visibility), so today I took a fly rod with me. After the bass quit, and I suspect went deeper, the fly rod came out and any that cooperated were invited home for dinner. The fillets were sauteed with a little olive oil and butter and a lot of lime juice. They were mighty good.

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