Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017 | Author: admin
I was launched and ready to fish on Lake Ferguson (21.9 feet) this morning at 6 a.m.. The wind was out of the South Southwest at 9 MPH which foiled my plans to fish topwater on a particular bank. There are plenty of banks on the lake however, so I chose one where the water was smooth. The fish would hit but unfortunately they hit about 6 inches behind the bait. Airballs again ! When the small ones airball it does not sound too good for the prospects of the day. When I saw they were not going to cooperate I moved to the deep water with a DT-16. Pretty soon one hit out where the bait was at its deepest point. After about 5 seconds the line broke. It was not due to the usual not retying but due to a kink in the fluorocarbon line. This year the lake has me at a crankbait deficit. I usually find almost as many as I lose but not this year. I am way behind. After putting on a parrot colored DT-16, I continued my deep efforts that resulted in another good bite but only a few seconds of having the fish on. I kept trying but could not raise another bite. I finally caught one by bumping the worm up and down at the end of the cast until one was finally enticed to picking it up. A little later one bit a DT-6 and had another following it to the boat. A school, I thought but a thorough covering of that area yielded no more fish. After a long drought of no bites, I finally managed to catch 2 more on the deep bank on a worm bumping it on the bottom at the end of the cast. A guy pulled up and asked me if I was doing any good and I quickly replied no. He allowed that he only had caught 4 but a few days before had caught 20 in the same spot. He probably kept those 20 and thus only a few today. Add on the fact that the bite was nonexistent and there you have it. Â More people need to learn to put them back.