Quick Trip
Friday, August 25th, 2017 | Author: admin
Mickey and I left the ramp at a few minutes after 5 on Friday afternoon. We went directly to the 70 spot where we started catching a few with a DT-6. When the DT-6 played out a few were caught with a worm but that was going pretty slow. Mickey pulled out a Whopper Plopper. WHAT a topwater on an August afternoon? It surprised us by catching fish right off the bat. They were in the shallow water and could not stand the sound that the WP makes. The strikes were very aggressive, like the fish were mad at it and really wanted to eat it. We had a great time catching them on top. That’s always fun. Even the WP played out as the fish were in just one little area and efforts to find more bore no fruit. We searched for more but only found a flight of 10 Roseate Spoonbills and one missed bite. The final tally was 14, one below our Ferguson limit, and a FOD of 3 – 4.