“Shrimp Stuff”
Saturday, September 09th, 2017 | Author: admin
I met Jackson at the ramp on Lake Enterprise at about 6:30 Friday morning. An ominous sign for fishing was blowing from the North, not hard but there. We started near the landing but after no luck we moved to one of Jackson’s favorite haunts. As we sat out in the lake fishing the trees with diving baits, I was sitting in the back of the boat observing the depth finder, where some fish suddenly appeared. When I mentioned it , Jackson quickly picked up a 10 inch ribbon tail worm and dipped it into a small jar of “shrimp Stuff” that smelled to high Heaven. He quickly caught 5 and had some other light bites, when I had caught zero and had zero bites with my worm even though it had been doused with garlic flavored spike it. Being careful not to get any of the “shrimp stuff” on my hands, I dipped my worm into the almost jellylike substance. A small piece smaller than a number nine shot dropped off of the worm and when it hit the water began to swirl around and put out an oil slick, powerful stuff. Immediately I got a bite, although was not able to bring the fish to the boat. After another unsuccessful bite, I changed to a DT-10 and caught 3 rather quickly. From that point on the depth finder fish disappeared. We trolled around looking but could not find them again. We left that spot and went to the 72 spot from earlier this summer. Nothing there either from a DT-10 or the sonar. We caught a couple more in different places, one on a red eye shad and another on a fluke like top water pulled on top of the duckweed. There was duckweed everywhere but we could not find any fish under it and was so prevalent it prevented us from fishing a lot of places. We ended up with 10 bass, FOD 2 1/4 . Lessons learned: 1. Watch the depth finder and 2. Get some of that “shrimp stuff”.