
Deer or Fish?

Friday, October 06th, 2017 | Author:

I chose to fish in the morning and deer hunt in the afternoon. Thursday afternoon I went down to the private hole to make sure that the boat would be able to launch. I knew that with the river falling the private whole would also be falling. I was right, the boat was 10 feet away from the water. I cut off some logs and put them under the boat when it came off of the rack and pushed it to the water. Then I moved the rack over to the other side of the launching ramp. My alarm clock quit working this morning and I woke up an hour and a half late. By the time I got in the water it was eight. The extra sleep was a good thing because nothing was going on when I started fishing. By 10 I only had two fish but things started to pick up around 10:30. Once again the swim bait was what they wanted. The fish were biting it so lightly, I just started giving slack even after the slightest bump and then watching the line to see if it did something funny.  If it went sideways, I set the hook. It seemed by 12 things were over so I quit. I ended up with 13 and a few FOD’ s  of 2 3/4.

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