Signs of Trouble
Tuesday, October 31st, 2017 | Author: admin
Signs of trouble showed up as I prepared to go fishing on Lake Ferguson Monday afternoon. First, there were no clouds in the sky, a perfect blue bird day, one on which in the past has not had a good record of me catching a bunch of fish. Second, while filling my boat with gas, I saw a guy coming off the lake filling up his blaster, who said he had not even one bite all morning. Third, the wind was blowing 15 miles per hour straight down the lake. I went anyway. The wind made it almost impossible to fish where I wanted to . Mickey and I had a couple of good trips this time last year at this water stage and I wanted to check those places out with a DT10. The job I did was better than I expected checking the places out but with no luck catching fish. I believe the fish were not in a chasing mood and it was too windy to fish a worm effectively. I retreated to some calm water and finally made contact with a DT6 in relatively shallow water. After no more luck with the DT6 I broke out the trusty Booyah and caught the FOD, a 2 -13. In checking out some of the shallow stumps, I made a bad cast, and in a rush to make another, I hurried the Booyah to the boat. The streaking bait spooked some shad and in turn a bass came out of the open and busted in the middle of the shad. The water was so shallow the activity blew up a cloud of mud. After about 10 casts to the open water the fish never would hit. Disgusted, I went home. It’s fun to write on here about the good trips, but one like Monday, not so much.