40 At The Private Hole
Thursday, February 15th, 2018 | Author: admin
Hal drove down this morning and we went to the Private Hole about 8:00. My day had started out kind of shaky when I tried to open the door to where I keep my fishing equipment. I could hear the lock working but the door would not move an inch. Using a punch to push the pins out of the hinges was considered but would be used as a last resort. A thin screwdriver was inserted into the crack between the doors and presto they came open. It has been so wet they were swollen so much they would not open. I took a bar of soap out of my boat and rubbed it on the door faces to make sure they would open the next time. Fishing started out very slowly. The last time I was there it was spinner baits, DT-6’s and worms. This morning it was very light bites on a shaky head worm, or a Texas rigged craw in Hal’s case. The fish started out deep except in one place where the rain water was running in from that accumulated over by the levee. A nice little stream about 18 inches wide. That nice little stream had raised the level about 18 inches. There were some fish there but not that many. They would not hit a moving bait but would lightly bite a worm and start swimming toward the boat. The bites were very hard to detect. By the middle of the morning things were not looking too good. The water warmed from 49 to 58 on the windward bank. Bites were still light however. In the afternoon Hal put on a small KVD 1.5 crankbait and started to catch some on it. Of course I rattled in my bag and came up with a DT-4, the first time I have fished with one of those in years. It would catch fish too. As the evening progressed Hal put on a spinner bait and made that bait work too. We could tell it was winding down just at the time we should quit, so we did. We caught 40 bass, a grinner, and 2 crappie, one on a shaky head and one on a DT-4 that a relatively small crappie had completely in its mouth. We had two co FOD’s at 3 1/2 each.