Would You Believe Monticello Again?
Saturday, April 28th, 2018 | Author: admin
With a full moon shining, Jackson and I put in just as it was light enough to fish. We went straight to the place where I caught them last time. It was unbelievable, no wind on Monticello. Jackson started with a buzz bait and I started with a swim bait. We both started getting bites but no fish got caught. It was white bass (known in river lakes as stripes). I quickly put on a 1//4 oz. red eye shad and the misses turned into catches. The fish were not in the sticks and stumps but out in the open on a shallow shell bed. There were occasional largemouths. A 4 1/2 was the first in the boat and after a while another about that size came unbuttoned. The one that was caught had a 6 pound head but was slender because it had spawned recently and had a 4 1/2 pound behind. By 8:30 the bite was about over and afterward it was slow. One of the good spots was close to a relatively low osprey nest. When we fished there the mama became nervous and would fly off the nest but come back close circling low, Here she is returning to the nest.
After the opening 1 1/2 hours the day turned slow and we left around 2:00 after catching 5 fish, the FOD being the first one.