
Private Hole

Wednesday, May 30th, 2018 | Author:

I arrived at the private hole this morning a little later than normal because I was a little tired from getting the boat and the rack it’s parked on in place yesterday. I sounded like the first day of dove season. A nearby farmer had the noise making cannons wide open to keep the deer out of his soybean fields. When everything was in the boat and it was shoved off, I started putting on baits and setting the cast control and drag on my reels due to recent maintenance. I put a worm on one and pulled off line to check the drag and set the cast control. I noticed the line was  moving sideways so I set the hook and came up with a tight eye. Catching one on the first cast will put the hoo doo on your day but this wasn’t even a cast. The starting baits were DT-6, worm, swim bait, and Whopper Plopper and they were alternated as I generally do starting off when I have no idea what is going on with the bass. I had an inkling of where the fish were, but being open minded, all of the baits had a good try. I thought the Whopper Plopper was going to be the best today because my friend Hal has been catching a lot on them and the water was clear with 4 foot visibility. It was indeed the topwater that produced the second fish. Here it is:

The ironwood bushes were flooded and no telling how many fish were in them but the only ones I could catch were the fish that for some reason came out or that the WP called out. Things slowed as the day progressed and it showed itself by several airballs. Those did a professional job of blasting a topwater except they missed the bait completely. Caught the 3 – 1 FOD with a shad tail sticking out of its gullet.

In the clear water you could see a zillion carp cruising, lots of bream and I even saw a 4 foot alligator gar. Tempted to take a fly rod next time. Ended up with 12 bass, first one on the worm and all the rest on the WP.



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