
Solunars and Rain

Saturday, July 28th, 2018 | Author:

This morning Mickey and I arrived at the private hole early but someone was there even earlier. When we arrived the mosquitoes were a problem out on the water. As it gets lighter the dragonflies start flying and the mosquitoes go away rather than becoming a dragonfly breakfast. According to the solunar tables, one of the bite periods was going to be right at daylight, from 5:30 to 8:00 and another was going to start around 2:00. I have found over the years by casual observation that the real bite starts about two or three hours before the time in the tables. That came true today, as when we started it was over because bites were hard to come by. We caught a few but had to resort to worms to get anything going and then not too much. Then the rain came. With a 20% chance of rain, neither of us brought rain gear and that guaranteed we would get wet. The rain was gentle but it was indeed wet and enough of it got us soaked. Bites became more numerous here and there as the morning progressed. About 11:00 things picked up noticeably as a DT-6 started to catch fish. It caught Mickey too. When he stuck his thumb down it the mouth of a small bass to dislodge the hook the fish wiggled and stuck the hook into his thumb. A trip to the doctor with the needle nosed pliers removed the hook relatively easily. He had a firetiger DT-6 that the had replaced a damaged hook with some of those little red hooks. Those little red hooks were so sharp they were almost dangerous. He was impaled lightly a second time before the day was over. It seemed to me that the 2:00 period started about 11:00 confirming my theory. By 1:00 we had dried out almost completely but the clouds were getting darker. The fish were still biting but a distant rumble of thunder, which was verified by a quick check of the radar, sent us scurrying to the ramp. The rain started just as we closed the doors of the truck. We caught 18 bass with a FOD of 4.32 and we had a couple more in the 3 pound range. One of the three pound fish had broken someones line and had a fresh worm hooked it its mouth which we dutifully removed. Just another day in paradise.

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