Friday, September 14th, 2018 | Author: admin
Started fishing on Lake Chicot at 3:30 Thursday afternoon with no idea what is going on on the lake. Went to a dependable spot and saw no bass activity but plenty of shad. When the Booyah would hit the water shad would scatter everywhere. Caught one where I was hoping to catch 15. Also hooked a LARGE silver carp in the tail with a red eye shad and had quite a tussle until the hook finally came out. Was scared of losing the bait. Went to another spot that is usually good. It had so many shad I had problems getting the bass to notice my bait. They were present and periodically hitting at shad. Caught one and had a hard puller take it down and hang it in the crack of the post. Only other excitement was an eagle flew across the lake from the town of Lake Village going East. Quit at 6:00 with 2 bass.