Garhole Cannibals
Wednesday, September 25th, 2019 | Author: admin
When I pulled up on the levee this morning all the cows were laying down, not a good sign that the fish were biting. I didn’t turn around and go back home however. By the time I got in the water it was obvious that the cows were telling the truth. In a spot where the fish usually cooperate my DT-6 could get no takers. As I was leaving, in desperation, I tried the DT-10 that was tied on and caught a 3 3/4 which turned out to be the FOD. Next spot, nothing. Next one was a little shallower so on the extra rod I put on a 200 Bandit I found in a rock dike up close to Tunica when I was fishing with Hal a good while ago. The Bandit caught 3 or 4 and was doing well. I had put new hooks on it , the red ones that are really sharp. Most of the fish were of decent size except one, when I threw under an ironwood bush (a bass’s best friend), a bream came out to investigate the bait. As I pulled it down there was a bite and I thought it was the bream. I set the hook but in fact it was a bass. It was small, 8″, and it jumped right at the boat. When it jumped it threw a small, 2 1/2″, bass that it had swallowed out of its mouth. The 2 1/2″ then swam away. The bass had eaten one of its nieces or nephews. After that a long drought ensued. Trying a worm was maddening with all the bream and small bass pecking on the bait. I finally did catch a couple on the worm but the bream were frustrating. Maybe they won’t fool with a big creature bait. I’ll try that next time. I did try the dumbbell sinker a few feet in front of the Bandit and trolled around the hole a couple of times with no results. I may not have let out enough line to let it get deep enough. Next time. I ended up with 10 bass a catfish, a bream on a DT-6, and a stripe on an XD-5. Three of the fish were ~ 3 pound size and the rest stair stepped down from there.