
Old indian trick

Friday, April 10th, 2009 | Author:

Jackson and I went fishing today in a blowing hurricane. We could only fish where it was relatively calm, not where we wanted to. Instead of using the trolling motor, in most places we had to use the auxiliary one (rope tied to a snag). Early, we had only a bite apiece but nothing to show. After we discussed leaving, Jackson said “They’re going to pull the old indian trick on us and let us catch one so we’ll stay three more hours”. About 10 minutes later it happened just as he predicted. I caught a 7 1/2 pounder on my swimbait. The fish had a large head for it’s weight and appeared to have already spawned. I didn’t believe the scales and turned them off and back on. Same weight.  We left after another unproductive hour. I have a photo but there’s a problem with the program that will not let me put one on. Caught it on a swimbait Skinny Lawyer.

monticello75-004 Picture problem fixed here too.  It was extremely windy that day. Notice the seat tiedown between my legs is hanging at a 45 degree angle due to the wind.

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