Saturday, June 20th, 2020 | Author: admin
Mickey and I started fishing at about 20 til 7:00. Why didn’t I just say 6:40? Today the battery was charged on the Garhole Boat and the trolling motor was doing a good job. First on the agenda was a seminar on fishing a Crazy Shad top water bait that Mickey put on. There are a couple of trees with the leaves still on that have caved in to the hole where the steep bank has sloughed off. I fished with a swim jig until Mickey had caught about 7 with the crazy shad. He was calling them out of the green leaves into the open to eat his offering. They were up in the green leaves and would not come out unless they heard a shad in trouble. It was fun for me to watch. When they stopped there we started to move down the bank to a spot known to us to be pretty good. We passed a good green spot on the way but could not catch anything there. The swim jig started to catch one here one there. In what we thought was the good place we caught a few, some on the swim jig but we had to resort to the DT-6 to catch some just swimming out in the open. I caught a good sized grinner on a DT-6 and had tired him out or so I thought. Mickey had a lip gripper and I grabbed the grinner with it. As I picked him up he slipped the grip and went crazy breaking the line and swimming off with my DT-6. My mistake was not to tenderize the grinner with the cut off hoe handle at first opportunity. Going to make that a rule. Mickey also pulled out a worm and caught some. I put on my last D & L advantage jig instead of a worm. That jig has a good hook but also a very streamlined head with an enclosed line tie that enables it to come through cover without hanging up. Mickey was still getting a little interest in his crazy shad but not as enthusiastic as before. The swim jig was beginning to be the bait the bass were liking best. I was fishing it on a short light spinning rod with 17 pound hi viz Nanofil with a short length of fluorocarbon leader tied on with an Albright knot. A cast with the bail closed parted the leader so it was either tie the knot from memory or quit fishing with that rod. I tied it from memory and it held up fine for the rest of the day. Before it separated this 5-9 FOD bit the swim jig.

We caught a few more in various places as the time got closer to the major period that was supposed to occur from 11:00 to 1:00. . We then went by the little green spot we had visited earlier with no results. For a short while it was one on every cast with the D&L and they were in the 2 1/2 pound range. When they quit on one side, they started a little on the other where we caught a few more. A trip around the hole produced nothing so we returned to the green trees in the water. The trees are in a spot that drops off almost straight down. On one cast, the jig was just swimming deep while coming to the boat but I felt something, and knowing that there was no wood out that far, I set the hook. It was a 4-14 with about a 3 1/2 swimming around him trying to get the bait. Mickey tried to get his worm in the water but the fish wasn’t buying it and swam off . I think he caught that fish a little later. A little later the temperature was rising and the fish had stopped so we decided to quit. We had caught 34 bass with the aforementioned FOD of 5-9.