Wolf Lake and Others
Thursday, July 23rd, 2020 | Author: admin
At about 6:20 this morning Mickey and I were casting topwaters on Wolf Lake. We were catching them too because in less than an hour we had caught 15, the largest around 2 pounds. After that we went to the spots that would be deeper fishing and the ones I really had a lot of confidence in. We barely got a bite in those places. As we worked our way down the lake it became obvious that it was just not going on. We caught some but it was slow going. As we neared the place where I caught them every cast the last time I was in Wolf Lake I became more optimistic. As we were fishing down the bank a person that was working on their dock told us there was a big log straight out from the next dock where you could cast out and catch 3 or 4 fish. We continued to the spot we had in mind but we found it to be just as stingy as the rest we had tried . Then came the low scold of the day. We saw the guy walk out on the dock he told us about, make one cast, and catch one about three pounds. He then took the fish back under his house where he filleted it and came back out and threw the carcass in the lake. We fished until around 2 or so and then started back to the ramp. The first place we tried again and caught a good many on a swim jig. That place is very different from the rest of the lake and the fish there were hungry. We ended up with 56 bass and a FOD of a little over two pounds.
I got an email from Hal and he and Richard caught 32 at Beaverdam with a FOD of 4 +. Included was a photo of the top of a large cypress tree that had been struck by lightning the night before that was in the water and still smoking. I could not get the photo on here unfortunately.
Today while fishing Mickey talked to a friend who had a friend who went to a new lake near Bastrop Louisiana . He and his son fished two days and caught 25 bass, two of which were over 10 pounds and one was over 9. Pretty strong .