Log Loader 14.5 AR City
Sunday, July 26th, 2020 | Author: admin
This afternoon I went to Log Loader at Rosedale and started fishing at 3:30. I started catching fish right off the bat on a DT-6. It was not every cast but it was obvious the fish were active. Minnows flinched every time the bait hit the water near the bank which had a steep drop off to it. The fish were small but accommodating. I was paying attention to the weather because the clouds were plentiful. After a while I could see a rain to the Southeast but it looked as if it might “go around” as Curlee used to say. It did and now I was using a DT-10 hoping something a little deeper would catch more. It caught about as many as the 6. The secret seemed to be throw it close to the bank. They were still biting but “up jumped the devil” in the form of another shower. This one appeared to be following the same track as the first one. There was no lightning so I fished and watched. Soon it became obvious that it was indeed going to get me so it was time to leave. When a rain comes, especially on Sunday afternoon, everybody heads for the landing at the same time. That was the case today. I was the last one out but made it up the ramp and was securing the boat when the rain hit. I put my tackle bag in the truck and I hopped in too to ride it out. Usually I wait too late to leave and get wet but not today. I was proud of the good decision. Quit at 5:30 with 19 fish and a FOD of 3-13. A fun two hour trip.