Garhole for Repairs
Wednesday, December 23rd, 2020 | Author: admin
This morning Son in Law Edward and I went to the Garhole primarily to put a new trolling motor on the Garhole boat. The old one quit the last time I fished there. I found an old photo of when the previous one quit and the date on it was 2013. Can’t complain about that service since it sits out in the weather 100% of the time. Like most expeditions of this sort, we started a little late. We arrived around 10 and started on the transition. I hooked up the wires to the switch backward after checking the connection three times but misunderstanding the picture type direction instructions that even an idiot is supposed to understand. After we reversed the wires on the battery we were good to go. We started off with a DT-6 but there were no takers even moving very slowly. Since Edward had never fished with a spinning reel, we had our share of tangles and tree shots to start off but nothing terminal. We fished around the hole with no DT-6 bites. We decided to move from the sunny side to another spot where the shallower water might be warmer. I told him to put the bait out the back of the boat as we travelled because I have caught some out in the middle during times of cold water. Before we got 50 yards he came up with this one.

We circled and circled close to the shore and out in the middle but no more volunteers. The quest continued to the shallow water . On the way another accident happened off of a treetop in six feet of water.

The shallows were unproductive and we returned to the treetop area and caught two more. One was on a worm where the bite was so light I didn’t feel it but just saw the line moving slightly. Since nothing was going on we called a halt at 2:30 with 4 fish and a FOD of 3 – 13. It was a beautiful day to be there, so much better than being cooped up inside.