Lake X
Friday, July 09th, 2021 | Author: admin
Since the bite has been in the middle of the day, I was in no hurry to get to the lake early. The first cast was made at 7:50. In the past some sort of plastic was the ticket but I started out with a swimbait because, being by myself, I could get in close to the bank and cast parallel. The water was not as clear as last time but maybe a swimbait would work. It did not, so I changed to a worm. I caught a little one fairly quickly but nothing followed. Lake X has some depth features and since the water has warmed maybe the fish were out deeper. I did catch another keeper with a DT-10 out in the open on about the third cast and thought I had found something out, but it was just an “old Indian trick”. The lake is full of wood but I was having a hang up day with a worm and was getting hung up before the fish could get to the bait. There is a place where the 6 foot depth comes abruptly up to 2 feet and there is some gravel. The DT-6 caught a couple there and lost one too but it kept coming up with mud on the bill that almost would not come off and would mess up the action of the bait. A 3/4 ounce Red eye shad I figured would do a better job. The fish in this area were bigger too. There was one area where the bait would come in with some grass on it, evidently a shallow spot that grew a little grass when the water level fell at some point in time. When the red eye hit that spot, I would rip the bait and when I caught up to it there would be a fish on it, good ones too. There were other areas where the fish would be, but the shallow grassy spot was more dependable for a bite. With the wind blowing pretty hard at times the spot lock really earned its keep today and made it really easy to fish. The bite started after 11:00 and I could still get a bite at 2:00 but things had slowed and I had to go to an art show at 5:30 to get my culture in, so I left. The count was 13 bass and a FOD of 6 1/2 . Only 4 were under 16 inches and 3 were between 4 1/2 and 4 3/4 the others were 2 1/2 to a little over 3. A splendid day of fishing. Did I mention the two good fish that came up and scolded me but spitting the bait back? They were not as big as the 6 1/2 but ones I would have liked to have weighed.