Ferguson 17.3
Tuesday, August 17th, 2021 | Author: admin
Right away this morning I tried a few new places with absolutely no success. Then I tried the rockpile with the same result. I had come to believe the fish were very deep and I was not fishing deep enough. I went to a place where the bottom changes from a gradual slope to one with a gradual slope and then a drop-off. The depth finder showed a good many fish (what kind?) at 23 feet and I figured that was deep enough. Could not get a bite with anything. Moved in a little closer to 10 feet and same result so I said what the heck and threw toward the bank in probably 3 feet of water and a 5 1/4 FOD came out. Go figure. Continuing down the bank another 4 – 1 bit and was apprehended. A good start but could find no more. I believe it was getting too late and the sun was getting a little too high. Went to the 70 bank and tried the same succession of baits and depths but came up with the same results. A little farther down that bank I noticed some nervous water and threw a rattletrap in because it was shallow. One grabbed it and I sat right there and caught 8 or 9 from 1 1/2 to just over 2 pounds. When that ended I continued in the shallow water with a DT-6 and a rattletrap. On the DT-6, I had the hardest lick of the day. I figured it was a big bass but it was a Goo. Getting close to noon I had one more place in mind. It was one my Daddy and I used to catch fish in . Back then there was a boathouse tied off, and if you threw close enough to the boathouse to splash water on the sides, you would get a bite on a worm most of the time. The fish would be out on or past the drop-off so I broke out a River 2 Sea tactical DD crankbait. Supposed to go 18 feet deep. It did the job coming up with a 5 even and then another 3 pounder. Couldn’t get another bite so I broke out a VMC rugby head jig with a Berkley chigger craw. It worked too with another 5 even. Must have been sisters. Caught a couple more on the other end of the spot but then all bites ceased. It was 2:00 and the clouds that had been keeping me shady had left so it was time to go. 18 fish in all with a 5 1/4, 2 @ 5 even, a 4-1 and a 3-2, or 22-7 for the best 5. A very good day on Lake Ferguson.